A few weeks ago I wrote a blog on organizations doing some really cool things. Check that out here. And check out that video here. There are many more doing great work, and today I will be sharing five more organizations you should show support to.
The Nature Conservancy- The Nature Conservancy is a group of over a million people who care deeply about our planet. They protect land, rivers, and the natural features of our world. This non-profit is effectively working to help the whole Earth thrive. They have done projects in nearly 80 countries and territories! They support indigenous communities that struggle substantially with environmental challenges as well as environmental justice and racial inequity. Which we all know is a very important topic. Check out my blog on sustainability and racism here or the video here. Not only do they care about all aspects of sustainability, from climate change to clean food and water, and land and sea, but they are even working to build clean and healthy cities. To support them, go to their website.
Rainforest Action Network- The Rainforest Action Network is passionate about preventing deforestation and keeping our most important resource (trees, which provide air) as well as the habitats of cute, loving, important animals. They emphasize the fact that more trees mean less climate change. They take lots of action and run campaigns. Currently, they are doing projects to help our global palm oil conflict and not harm the orangutans, prevent bushfires, help prevent climate change even during a pandemic, and protest for the Black Lives Matter movement (again, check out my blog linked above). Support them here or join them on their email list. The more people and support, the more likely they are to make a change.
Natural Resource Defence Council- For over 50 years, the Natural Resource Defence Council (NRDC) has worked to ensure clean air and water for all people as well as healthy communities. They currently have put a lot of focus towards the upcoming election in November (don’t forget to vote!), and explain problems with our current political situation. For example, the Trump Administration has allowed drilling of oil and gas from 1.5 Million acres of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. They are also focussing on equitable access to water and electricity. If you want to see more of their urgent concerns, check out their website here, and don’t forget to donate while you are there.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change- The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) works to manage climate change with scientific analysis. They assess and report different situations regarding technical and socio-economic knowledge on climate change, its impacts and future risks, and options for reducing the rate at which climate change is taking place. Their goal is to gain more knowledge about the science of climate change. Help them learn more by donating. To access their website use this link. They currently have groups working on projects like assessing the physical science basis of the climate system and climate change, vulnerability of socio-economic and natural systems to climate change, and mitigating climate change through limiting or preventing greenhouse gas emissions. Go show support!
Forest Stewardship Council- Lastly, the Forest Stewardship Council shares inspiring stories on making an impact, showing integrity, and innovation. They care deeply about forests, biodiversity, and resources. They promote responsible care for our forests. They also have an awesome certification system to showcase and identify responsibly sourced forest products like wood, paper, and more. Not only can you support their website, but you should also pay attention when buying paper products (books, toilet paper, boxes, or milk cartons) and buy products that are FSC certified.
The planet needs help and we need to invest in it. Please support these organizations if you can and know you are doing your part for our Earth and feel good about yourself. If not, check out my blog on 20 things anyone can do (for free) today (video here)! Check out this video aswell.